
You are considered a transfer applicant if you attempted college coursework after high school graduation but have not completed a Bachelor's degree.

Are you a freshman student just starting your first fall term at a California Community College? If yes, would you like to be guaranteed future transfer admission to 加州大学洛杉矶分校?  报名参加一个 转移成功路径 足彩外围网站! 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 转学成功途径网页.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 will be opening Spring 2024 admission to domestic upper-division transfer 申请人 for select majors.

  • 申请人必须通过网上申请 加州申请 应用程序之间 2023年8月1日至31日.
    • 2024年春季入学考虑, 所有入学要求必须在2023年夏季结束前完成.
  • 以下专业将于2024年春季入学:
    • 护理-基本预执照BSN
  • 由于申请时间短, Spring 2024 admission is not available to international 申请人 who require a 'F' visa to study in the United States of America.


  • 申请人必须通过网上申请 加州申请 应用程序之间 2023年10月1日—11月30日.

  • 申请人必须通过网上申请 加州申请 应用程序. 有关如何完成申请的一些提示,请访问我们的 申请须知网页.
  • The 加州申请 应用程序 requires you to enter all college coursework so have your transcripts handy and make sure you have adequate time before the deadline to complete your 应用程序.
  • Most admission decisions are made using self-reported information in the 加州申请 应用程序. 请准确完整地回答问题. 如果不这样做,将对入学资格产生负面影响.
  • 促进转学成功, all 加州大学洛杉矶分校 majors have major-specific 要求s for admission that focus on lower-division preparation in the major. 请浏览 专业标准网页 获取有关这些要求的最新信息.

To be considered for transfer admission you must meet the following minimum 要求s by the end of the prior Spring term for Fall admission, 在前一个夏季学期结束前申请春季入学;

  • 完成60个可转移学期单位或90个可转移季度单位, which must include a minimum of 30 semester units or 45 quarter units in courses approved to meet CSU General Education (GE) 要求s.
  • Complete with a grade of 'C-' or better by the end of the prior Spring term for Fall admission or by the end of the prior Summer term for Spring admission the CSU要求 书面沟通,口头沟通,批判性思维*数学/定量推理.
  • 大学总平均成绩不低于2分.在所有可转学分的大学课程中取得00分或以上成绩.
  • Be in good standing at the last college or university attended in a regular session.
  • If your college coursework was not taken at an institution where English is the only language of instruction, 你必须满足 英语语言能力 要求.

*The CSU Critical Thinking course 要求 is waived for most Engineering and Computer Science majors. 请参阅 入学的特定专业要求 有关详细信息,.

请注意: 加州大学洛杉矶分校 does not accept Lower Division 转移 Applications (申请人 who completed less than 60 transferable semester units).

加州大学洛杉矶分校 serves as a model of access and attainment—the success and graduation of our diverse student body remains our number one priority. 我们作为社会流动引擎的成功在一项研究中得到证实 机会均等项目 足彩外围网站排名全美第一.S. 为学生的向上流动. Our transfer admission criteria align with our commitment to provide access and timely graduation for students.

Applicants who meet the minimum 加州大学洛杉矶分校 criteria above will be considered for admission based on their selected major and whether they are considered '当地的基于他们的社区大学或军人身份.

检查 专业标准网页 针对你专业的具体要求.

请注意: 学生可以进入一个特定的专业. 一旦学生在足彩外围网站注册, changes of major are limited based on both the admission 要求s of the major and 加州大学洛杉矶分校's Timely Graduation policy. Acceptance of the offer of admission indicates the student plans to pursue the major as stated in the admission offer.

转学申请人必须在申请中声明一个特定的专业, 不得视为未申报. 申请人不能选择替代专业. 转移 申请人 must meet minimum CSU Upper Division 转移 eligibility 要求s to be considered. Admission determination is then based on the major-specific criteria listed.

所有加州大学洛杉矶分校的学生都有 入学的特定专业要求, which are focused on transfer student preparation that predicts success in the major and promotes timely degree completion. 列出的标准将在未来的录取周期中每年进行审查. For Fall term admission, coursework must be completed no later than the prior Spring term. For Spring term admission, coursework must be completed no later than the prior Summer term.

当地的 申请人

除护理外,科罗拉多州立大学符合条件的申请者将被考虑 当地的 基于他们的社区大学, 或者他们的退伍军人身份, will be offered admission if they meet the required minimum cumulative GPA, 所需专业准备, 并列出了必修的通识教育课程. We encourage 当地的 area 申请人 to also complete any recommended courses to promote timely graduation even though they will not be used in the admission determination.


CSU eligible non-当地的 申请人 who meet the required minimum cumulative GPA, 所需专业准备, 并列出了必修的通识教育课程 will be admitted on a space-available basis based on their cumulative GPA and any recommended courses specified in the criteria.

转学副学士(ADT) 收件人

而ADT不需要入学,除了心理学, priority consideration is granted to 申请人 who are on track for completing the specific AA-T / t程度 listed by the end of spring for Fall admission, or the end of summer for Spring admission. 在这种情况下, the 转移 AA/AS curriculum is used in lieu of the specific required and recommended courses listed. Under CSU guidelines, the minimum required cumulative GPA has been adjusted as indicated. 非本地申请人也可获得0分.在非本地申请人排名中使用1 GPA奖金.


If space is available after all students meeting the required minimum major GPA and required major and general education preparation or the indicated 转移 AA/AS degree have been accommodated, then CSU eligible students without the minimum 要求s will be considered based on a ranking of the criteria completed with 当地的 申请人 receiving a 0.GPA提高25分.

  1. 探索并选择一个要在你的申请中声明的专业
  2. 网上申请: 加州申请 截止日期前
  3. 更新申请表上的转学课程报告
  4. 只有在被要求时才提交正式成绩单或其他文件


加州大学洛杉矶分校 requires 申请人 to declare a major on the 应用程序 for admission consideration. Applicants must thoroughly educate themselves on their intended major's 要求s for admission and degree completion prior to submitting an 应用程序 for admission. 申请人不会被要求选择另一个专业. Changes of major cannot be requested once the 应用程序 has been submitted. 除了, once a student has enrolled at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 changes of major are limited based on both the admission 要求s of the major and 加州大学洛杉矶分校's Timely Graduation policy.

第二步:在网上申请 加州申请 截止日期前

申请人必须于 2023年10月1日至2023年11月30日,2024年秋季入学; or 2023年8月1日至31日,2024年春季入学. 申请足彩外围网站,请访问 加州申请. You will be required to enter all of your college coursework as part of the 应用程序 process. 除了, 申请人 will have to report their progress in meeting the 入学的特定专业要求. 申请人必须确保填报的所有信息准确无误. 如果不这样做,可能会影响他们的录取决定. 一旦申请提交, we will send you a notification by email to acknowledge the receipt of your 应用程序.

STEP 3: For Fall 申请人, update the transfer coursework reported in your 应用程序

You will be required to update your academic course information to be considered for admission:

  • 秋季入学: 转移 coursework must be updated in January so that Fall grades and Spring enrollment can be included.
  • 春季入学: 不需要传输更新. 如获录取, official transcripts with grades thru the preceding summer must be submitted by November 1st.

Additional information may also be requested of some 申请人 at this stage in the process. 请不要提交成绩单或其他文件,除非要求.


加州大学洛杉矶分校 makes transfer admission decisions based on self-reported information from the 应用程序. 以验证资格, admitted students will be required to submit official transcripts from all colleges attended. Admission decisions are conditional and may be withdrawn for students who misreported, 错过了文件截止日期, 或者没有达到录取条件. Admitted students wishing to accept our offer will need to submit all official transcripts within 30 days of the admission offer.


  • 学习英语的学生 转学副学士 (ADT) will be required to verify that they are on-track for completion of the degree by the end of Spring for Fall admission, 或者在夏季结束前申请春季入学.
  • 有资格获得大学先修学分的学生, CLEP, or International Baccalaureate assessments will need to have official test scores sent to 加州大学洛杉矶分校. Be aware that credit granted by another institution does not 'transfer' to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 for test credit.
  • 以确定加州居民身份, 有些学生可能需要提交额外的文件. 检查 住院医生实习期 webpage for information regarding the establishment of California residency.
  • Veterans of the United States Armed Forces should submit discharge papers (Form DD 214). This should include descriptions of the types of training you received while in the service. Such training, in some cases, may count as credit transferable to 加州大学洛杉矶分校. Additionally, Veterans and active duty military should also submit their military transcripts (e.g. 亚特, 聪明的, or Community College of the Air Force) displaying additional coursework that may be transferable.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 uses email as the official means of communication with 申请人. Initial admission communications are sent to the email reported in the 加州申请 应用程序. Applicants are required to maintain a current email address on file with the University, 并定期查看他们的电子邮件.

在录取过程中, the Office of 招生及招聘 will send communications to the "preferred" email address as indicated in your GET Student Center. 您可以随时更新您的电子邮件地址 金鹰区学生自助服务中心.

To help prevent these important emails from being flagged as spam/junk mail by your email provider, 请在 gbp1.net 域作为一个安全的发件人在您的电子邮件帐户.

Offers of admission are normally made in February and March for Fall admission, 十月为春季入学. All offers of admission will be provisional and subject to verification based on official transcripts. 如果GPA不符合要求,录取通知可能会被撤回, 完成了课程, or course grades are lower than what is reported or if you miss any admission deadlines. 请务必在申请表上填写准确的信息.


To accept the admission offer, admitted students must pay the non-refundable $100 入学确认保证金(ECD) 5月1日前申请秋季入学; or 春季入学日期为11月1日. 押金将抵消学生州立大学学费的一部分. This is in addition to submitting documents to confirm the admission decision within 30 days of the admission offer.


除了申请足彩外围网站, we hope you have considered applying to one or two other colleges so that you will have alternatives in the event that you are not offered admission.


If you believe you are eligible for 加州大学洛杉矶分校 admission, you may appeal our decision. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 15 days of the date of the denial notification and must include a basis for the appeal and supporting academic records. We will respond via email to your appeal request within four to six weeks. 一个学期只能提出一次上诉. 更多信息,请访问 入学上诉网页.

Here are some important items to consider if you are offered admission and decide to attend 加州大学洛杉矶分校:

金融援助: 看看 金融援助 to explore the programs that can assist in making 加州大学洛杉矶分校 affordable. 请务必查看申请程序和优先截止日期.

校园房屋: Living on campus offers numerous opportunities for students to build lifelong friendships, 发展成为领导者,取得学术上的成功. 我们提供公寓式的宿舍,距离教室很近, 大学学生会, 以及各种校园资源. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 住房和居住生活网页.

录取学生信息: 如果你已经被录取,请参考 新录取的转学信息.

大学考试学分: 有资格获得大学先修学分的学生, CLEP or International Baccalaureate assessments will need to have official test scores sent to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 within 30 days of the admission offer. Be aware that credit granted by another institution does not 'transfer' to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 for test credit, 如果考试是在4年前进行的, 请提前计划. 存档的测试记录可能需要长达3周的时间才能发送到足彩外围网站.

入学指导、咨询和注册: 以确保顺利过渡到足彩外围网站, new transfers are required to participate in a one-day Golden Eagle Orientation during the summer. Additional information will be sent beginning in May for fall admission (or in November for spring admission) to students who have accepted the offer of admission. 更多信息,请访问 金鹰迎新网页.